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Payment on the spot requires a prior agreement during the transaction.
Yes, you can come to our location or negotiate online via WhatsApp/phone service.
Sure. Please chat us on WhatsApp and let us know the product you want to order, the size, color, or other details. We will agree on a down payment that is suitable for you.
The correct English translation is: Gayam Indah Street, RT 03 RW 02, Lebak Village, Pakis Aji District, Jepara Regency, Central Java, 59456. Map: Alternatively, visit our office: Jalan Raya Batealit - Bangsri, Depan Polsek Pakis Aji. RT/RW 004/001, Semangeng Village, Pakis Aji District, Jepara Regency, Central Java 59456.
Payment with down payment. Chat for further information.